
So I meant to write this post on Thanksgiving but I was too busy with my family. Not really an excuse but oh well.

Being thankful is so important. I know that I have been truly blessed with the life The Lord has provided for me. A roof over my head and a loving and supportive family is already enough in itself, but there are so many other reasons I’m thankful. I tend to always think about these things during Thanksgiving which kind of leads to me being disappointed in myself. It shouldn’t take a holiday to make me realize how lucky I am. I should be thankful every second of my life. It’s so easy to get blinded our desires and our greed that we can’t see the big picture. A Lord that loves me no matter what? That’s pretty dang blessed if you ask me. Don’t let the world get in your way. You are loved and cherished.

I recently had a friend from college who lost both her parents and her brother in a car crash on Tuesday. Two days before Thanksgiving. This tragedy made me think about how grateful I am to still have my parents and siblings here. I don’t know how I could live without them. Tragedies happen almost everyday so you never know who you are going to lose or when. Cherish and be thankful for what you have every single day because you never know when it’s going to be gone. Thanksgiving shouldn’t be the only day a year where you reflect on your beautiful life. Be thankful every day, every minute, every millisecond. 

Most importantly, be thankful for our glorious Lord. His never ending love is truly the biggest blessing of them all. Whether you believe in him or not, he loves you. Every single atom of you is perfect in his eyes and he will never leave nor forsake you. I am thankful for his love for me, my family, my friends, and YOU. We are all his children, and for that you should be truly thankful. 

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